Monday, June 6, 2011

working with the slipware

Well since attending a wonderful slipware workshop with the very talented Doug Fitch from England and Hannah McAndrew from Scotland, I have been tempting a little slipware myself.   I love working with the slip, the creative designs are great fun.  I need to work on the glazing techniques to better enhance the work, but am really enjoying the new technique and working with my new tools ... thanks Hannah!

Sorry, my photos need some work, but hopefully you get the idea.

Here's one I did for a friend's baby shower.  Again, terrible picture.  Need to practice on that too!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

getting a handle on it

With much practice and guidance from my friend Doug, I am finally feeling better about my handles. Thank you Doug for your encouragement and helpful hints, hope you approve!

Have enjoyed spending more time at the studio, however the last week has been so hectic, I hope to sneak down their this week and get back to my work.   June looks to be a very busy and chaotic month.  I have great plans for July :)