Sunday, September 11, 2011

a hand at sculpting

I've always wanted to try a little hand sculpture.   Libertytown is having a 6x6x6 show in October so I thought it would be a good time to try a little sculpture work.

I found the art of sculpting very relaxing and a great deal of fun.   I had to try another, this one is pretty big, it won't work for the show, but it was fun to push my limits.

Today, while watching some football with my guys, I decided to do another sculpture, this one in honor of the 9.11 tributes.  I've always loved the symbol of the eagle representing the freedom of our this is what I did.  I am thinking of adding to it, but I may just leave it as is.

So I guess, you could say, I have found a new hobby...although I still have strong connection to the pottery wheel!   I've been working on many things at my studio, and will try to post some pictures soon.  

Friday, August 26, 2011

my journey across the country

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to drive across most of the country (USA).   I started in Virginia and drove all the way to western Montana ... I have to say this country of ours is absolutely beautiful.   I experienced one breathtaking view after the next.    I just wish I could have taken a little more time to visit a few more places.   I  did however get to take about 5-6 days in Montana ... truly one of the most beautiful places on earth in my opinion.

Here are a few pics of my trip.
Mall of America, you would have to spend a week there just to see every store,  too much for me...does anyone really need that many choices?
 ... honestly the largest mall I  have every seen ...  this is an amuzement park inside the mall!

One of the largest candy stores I have every been in.  This is in Philipsburg, MT.  Delicious candy, fudge ... you name it they have it alot which they make on the premises. 

This photo doesn't do it justice, this is the Painted Canyon at the Roosevelt  National  Park in North Dakota.  The colors were absolutely beautiful for as far as the eye could see.

One of the many views from the car as we headed out west.

This is a communitygarden in Butte, wonderful idea and so beautifully done!

The view going over one of the passes from Phillipsburg, MT.

4th of July over Butte, Montana.  I have to confess, and my brother -in-law would be the first to  say I have the worst camera and am not the best photographer for night time shots (or any shots for that matter).  After a few hundred, this is the best firework shot I have!  Looks like a flying saucer to me.

Can't remember, I believe this Silver Lake in Montana.

Monday, June 6, 2011

working with the slipware

Well since attending a wonderful slipware workshop with the very talented Doug Fitch from England and Hannah McAndrew from Scotland, I have been tempting a little slipware myself.   I love working with the slip, the creative designs are great fun.  I need to work on the glazing techniques to better enhance the work, but am really enjoying the new technique and working with my new tools ... thanks Hannah!

Sorry, my photos need some work, but hopefully you get the idea.

Here's one I did for a friend's baby shower.  Again, terrible picture.  Need to practice on that too!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

getting a handle on it

With much practice and guidance from my friend Doug, I am finally feeling better about my handles. Thank you Doug for your encouragement and helpful hints, hope you approve!

Have enjoyed spending more time at the studio, however the last week has been so hectic, I hope to sneak down their this week and get back to my work.   June looks to be a very busy and chaotic month.  I have great plans for July :)  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Visiting Montana

Well I may have jumped ahead of myself in creating my new blog ... it has been so busy that I haven't put much attention to my posting.   I will try to do better.

I had the great opportunity to visit my brother in law in Montana recently.   What amazing countryside!  We had such a wonderful time and saw so many beautiful sites ... I thought I would share a few...

 The rainbow over Butte ... it was more brilliant the picture captured, you could see all the colors and it lasted for quite a long time.   We were able to see it for at least 30 minutes while driving back into town from Anaconda.
 Spring was sprouting in Anaconda!
 A view from the side of the road as we were traveling back from Philipsburg towards Anaconda.  This picture doesn't do it justice.   Amazing view of the river that travels alongside the mountain!
 When we went to Yellowstone, my husband said his day would be complete if he could see a bear ... well, his day was complete!   This was a rare sighting of a black bear in the park.
 More views  ... everywhere we looked in Yellowstone, the view was incredible.  
 The bison were not very shy, they would walk right past you .... amazing animal!

These were some elk, just passing by.
 Travertine terraces are seen at the mammoth hot springs in yellowstone.  This is a form a calcium carbonate caused from the hot water steaming up from below the limestone surface ... just a cool site, but VERY HOT! The colors are actually created from various bacteria.
 Another of the many hot springs throughout Yellowstone.
 I loved the texture of the rocks on the mountain, hmmm... I am inspired to use these colors and textures somehow in my pottery.

There are many of these beautiful, colorful geysers throughout the park, this is a small one, some of them are so deep and vivid, we didn't get an opporutnity to see some of the larger ones .... maybe when we return!  There is one that is 370 ft wide, I believe it is at the Midway Geyser Basin.
This was called artists paintpots ... not a very good picture sorry.   It was actually the hot bubbly clay, created from the underground volcano steaming up through various parts of the ground ... very cool sight ... although it  wasn't very pleasant smelling ... think of a very strong sulfur smell.  

Well that is where I have been.   I hope to get back down to the studio this afternoon and work on glazing some of my new pots with some slip trailing.    I attending a workshop last month with some wonderful artists from England and Scotland to learn some slip trailing techniques ... more on that later!   I tried some of the techniques so fingers crossed, they will turn out o.k.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A view into my world of pottery

Well several people have asked me to post a few pictures of my pieces.   I thought this might be a good way to chronicle my work and give a little insight as to what I am doing all day when I disappear for hours at a time.  

Here is a few pictures of some recent pieces.

This is a tea set that I made with tray for our Patrons Show at Libertytown Arts Workshop in Fredericksburg.  It is a great show where everyone that purchases a ticket receives a wonderful piece of artwork from one of the many artists.  Make sure you buy a ticket and stop by this Friday night to view all of the wonderful items that have been donated by the artists.   I will try to post some pictures of their work as well.  Here's the link if you want more information.

Here are some other pieces in my studio.

 My angels that I designed inspired from notes I used to leave my children under their pillow when we traveled.  These haven't been glazed  yet so they are showing their colors.  I will post again when completed.

 These are some of my recent bowls and casserole dishes, I am working on a few new designs ... we will see how they turn out when glazed ... that is always a surprise.

 This teapot was in a recent show all about food at libertytown arts.   I chose to do the pear, because for some reason, I really like pears, I have them all over my house ... not sure why.
 These next two pieces were also in a show ... these were handbuilt  pieces of chinese takeout.  My son, Mike painted the dragon on the top one in underglaze ... he is a very talented artist.  I will see if I can post some of his work in a later blog. 
Well there you have it a little preview into my world.    I am new at this blog thing, but I will try to keep it interesting and hopefully improve on my photography (sorry about the quality of the photos).  I hope you will join me on my journey.