Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Settling In Montana

After arriving in Montana in January.  It took a bit of time to get used to the frigid temperatures.  The scenery everywhere you look it just breathtaking out here.  Once we got unpacked and familiarized ourselves with what was around, I found a wonderful co-op pottery guild in Helena.  It was about an hour away from where we were located.   My brother-in-law's business is located in Butte.  Butte is pretty small town, there isn't much in town in the way of shopping or art studios.  However in Montana, it doesn't take long to get anywhere, you can hop onto I-90 or I-15 and get to just about anywhere in an hour or two.

Anyway, I found a great guild where I could throw and fire my pottery.  I joined up and started right away.  They had several kilns and only had low fire or cone 10 firings available.  I had only worked with cone 6 electric kiln work in the past so it has been a great experience to work with firing cone 10 gas kilns and salt firings as well.   Just this last week the pottery guild upgraded one of their low fire electric kilns to handle cone 6 so I am tempted to try a few of my old pieces again.  However I am really loving the cone 10 right now.

In Helena I have been fortunate to have two great resources the famed Archie Bray Foundation, which has just a wealth of history and information for potters, and of course the Helena Pottery Guild which I belong which is a group of potters (about 50) that work together and we all learn techniques from one another.  I have taken some classes and workshops over the past few months and had the chance to hang out and talk with other potters and gain some interesting insight on some techniques and processes.  It's been a wonderful experience.  I love working with potters ... very interesting people indeed!

Some of my most recent work, pictured just above is decorated with some slip work with some slip that I made from a recipe myself.  They have be bisque fired and are glazed and ready to be fired with a green celadon.  Anticipating the results!   There is a small pitcher five photos up that shows a finished piece with just the black slip and the green glaze, I am hoping the others come out as well.  I made the white slip and brown slip after and tried it without testing ... that's how I life on the edge.  So, fingers crossed!

Well, that brings me somewhat up to date ... now I am going to go throw for a while ...

On the Move...

I have decided to resurrect my blog after a long break.   So I guess the best way is to give a little update on what I have been doing.   Well, where to begin.  I closed down my little studio space in Fredericksburg, VA in November of last year to move to Montana.   Yes you read it right.   My husband and I decided to make a bit of a change and head out west to assist his brother with his business.  So after a bit of packing up, consolidating, packing up some more ... the following posts will chronicle what I have been up to over the last few months.   I will display what has developed in my pottery world along the way and what is in store for the future. My goal is to be a better blogger and be more consistent.

So where did I leave off, aah yes, my studio.  I had a lot to clean up at Libertytown, before I left so I tried to use up what clay I had and finish up my pieces.  I was pretty busy in the fall/winter of 2011.

Trying my hand at some slip trailing.  I took a workshop with the worlds best slipware potters, Hannah McAndrew from Scotland and Doug Fitch from Devon, England last year.  Check out their work ... Incredible!!

Once everything was thrown, trimmed, decorated and fired.  I was ready to clean and pack up the studio.  Whew ... a lot of work, glad I had three strong boys and a willing husband to do a lot of the work!  I was a good director!

It was hard leaving such a wonderful place.  Libertytown is a great workshop full of wonderful artists of all mediums, spinners and weavers, painters, potters, woodworkers, iron workers, jewelry designers, etc, etc.  Such a great collaboration of wonderful people.  It was a beautiful place to work on my pieces, learn from other artists, and relax and have fun.  If you are ever in Fredericksburg, Virginia I suggest you go downtown and visit Libertytown Arts Workshop.  They offer classes, and have a wonderful shop in the front where they sell the beautiful pieces the artists make.  This place was put together by Dan Finnegan, a renowned potter who studied in England with some of the world's greatest potters.  Fredericksburg is so fortunate to have one of the world's best right in their own back yard!   And I had the honor and blessing to learn from him and be a part of his wonderful studios.  He has a great blog, the best really, you should click on his name and read it, just fascinating stuff!

Mommy Pots

I have always loved little tiny pots of all sorts.   I started making some mini vases and pitchers, really for my own enjoyment and to fill some shelves for my mother-in-law.  She has a nac for decorating little shelves throughout her home and the little vases add just the right touch.   Anyway, they have become great sellers.  I had a customer come in not too long ago and request some more "mommy pots".   She has been purchasing them from me for her new mommy friends.  It's the perfect little pot to hold the precious little flowers and weeds that have been picked by young children to be proudly displayed by mom.   I loved the idea of it, actually I had been using a little miniature blue and white pitcher that was given to me by my husband's grandmother to display little flowers that were brought to me by my children (when they were little).  So I got busy throwing various little vases and pitchers.   My collection of little "Mommy Pots" are now gaining poularity.

Would love to know what you think.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

a hand at sculpting

I've always wanted to try a little hand sculpture.   Libertytown is having a 6x6x6 show in October so I thought it would be a good time to try a little sculpture work.

I found the art of sculpting very relaxing and a great deal of fun.   I had to try another, this one is pretty big, it won't work for the show, but it was fun to push my limits.

Today, while watching some football with my guys, I decided to do another sculpture, this one in honor of the 9.11 tributes.  I've always loved the symbol of the eagle representing the freedom of our this is what I did.  I am thinking of adding to it, but I may just leave it as is.

So I guess, you could say, I have found a new hobby...although I still have strong connection to the pottery wheel!   I've been working on many things at my studio, and will try to post some pictures soon.  

Friday, August 26, 2011

my journey across the country

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to drive across most of the country (USA).   I started in Virginia and drove all the way to western Montana ... I have to say this country of ours is absolutely beautiful.   I experienced one breathtaking view after the next.    I just wish I could have taken a little more time to visit a few more places.   I  did however get to take about 5-6 days in Montana ... truly one of the most beautiful places on earth in my opinion.

Here are a few pics of my trip.
Mall of America, you would have to spend a week there just to see every store,  too much for me...does anyone really need that many choices?
 ... honestly the largest mall I  have every seen ...  this is an amuzement park inside the mall!

One of the largest candy stores I have every been in.  This is in Philipsburg, MT.  Delicious candy, fudge ... you name it they have it alot which they make on the premises. 

This photo doesn't do it justice, this is the Painted Canyon at the Roosevelt  National  Park in North Dakota.  The colors were absolutely beautiful for as far as the eye could see.

One of the many views from the car as we headed out west.

This is a communitygarden in Butte, wonderful idea and so beautifully done!

The view going over one of the passes from Phillipsburg, MT.

4th of July over Butte, Montana.  I have to confess, and my brother -in-law would be the first to  say I have the worst camera and am not the best photographer for night time shots (or any shots for that matter).  After a few hundred, this is the best firework shot I have!  Looks like a flying saucer to me.

Can't remember, I believe this Silver Lake in Montana.

Monday, June 6, 2011

working with the slipware

Well since attending a wonderful slipware workshop with the very talented Doug Fitch from England and Hannah McAndrew from Scotland, I have been tempting a little slipware myself.   I love working with the slip, the creative designs are great fun.  I need to work on the glazing techniques to better enhance the work, but am really enjoying the new technique and working with my new tools ... thanks Hannah!

Sorry, my photos need some work, but hopefully you get the idea.

Here's one I did for a friend's baby shower.  Again, terrible picture.  Need to practice on that too!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

getting a handle on it

With much practice and guidance from my friend Doug, I am finally feeling better about my handles. Thank you Doug for your encouragement and helpful hints, hope you approve!

Have enjoyed spending more time at the studio, however the last week has been so hectic, I hope to sneak down their this week and get back to my work.   June looks to be a very busy and chaotic month.  I have great plans for July :)